Like most online retailers we do not offer any form of pay on delivery. Pay for your orders in advance, there are two ways you can pay for your orders.
We accept the following methods of payment:
--PayPal & PayPal Credit

--Credit Card
>> PayPal Payments
PayPal is the faster, safer way to send and receive money or make an online payment.
Through PayPal, you can pay with credit card, debit card, or connected bank account. Once your order is submitted, you will be redirected toPayPal's page where you can make the payment.
1) Login to your PayPal account or use Credit or Debit Card.
2) Enter your Card Details the order will be shipped to your PayPal address. and click Submit.
3) Your Payment will be processed and a receipt will be sent to your email inbox.
NOTE: Your order will be shipped to your PayPal address. Ensure you have selected or entered the correct delivery address.
>> Credit Card Payments
We do accept credit cards issued by Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Paying with Credit card
1) Choose your shipping address OR create a new one.
2) Enter your Card Details and click Submit.
3) Your Payment will be processed and a receipt will be sent to your email inbox.
NOTE: Credit cards can only be tried 10 times per hour, if you have made many failed attempts, credit card will be locked for one hour.
For orders paid by PayPal and Credit Cards, if the order is canceled or returned due to customer problems, we will charge processing fee (4% of the total transaction amount) when refunding.
The refund amount will be refunded by PayPal or Credit Card after deducting the processing fee etc.
Refund amount = Transaction Amount – Processing Fee.
*If order is canceled due to out of stock, full payment will be refunded. We will bear the processing fee.